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There are multiple pathways for churches within the United States to affiliate with the SBC. But in some cases, a church outside the United States may formally affiliate with the SBC. If your church is outside the United States, please contact the SBC Executive Committee, Office of Church Affiliation via email at for more information. 

For churches within the United States wishing to affiliate with the SBC, you can:

Affiliate through a state convention

Churches may affiliate with the SBC at a state convention level. First, to begin the process of affiliating your church through a state or regional convention which serves your area, find your state convention here. The state convention staff team will be happy to assist you in this process.

Affiliate new campuses

An existing SBC church can add individual and separate CAMPUSES by completing the online form found here. Once this process is complete each CAMPUS will receive its own SBC ID number.

Affiliate at the national level

Churches may affiliate with the SBC at a national convention level. To complete the SBC affiliation process, at the national level, please complete the steps in the form below:

  • Church Information

  • Church Affirmations

  • Authorized Signature(s):

    The following two persons are authorized by the church to engage this SBC Affiliation process on behalf of the church. These electronic signatures represent the will and intent of the church to become affiliated with the SBC.
  • Clear Signature
  • Clear Signature
  • Initial Contribution

    Your church’s missions gifts are applied immediately and directly to the SBC Executive Committee’s Cooperative Program Allocation Budget in support of Southern Baptist’s national entities.

  • There are three ways your church can make its initial contribution. They are:

    • Give Now – (for mission gifts up to $5,000)
    • Mail Gift Directly:
      SBC Executive Committee
      Attn: Finance Office
      901 Commerce St.
      Nashville, TN 37203
    • Initiate ACH Gift: Please email for information on setting up a direct ACH transaction. Upon receipt of the completed form and initial contribution, the SBC Executive Committee will establish a church account and alert LifeWay Christian Resources to issue an official SBC ID number. Again, this process can be engaged off-line using print and US Postal service.

    If you have questions, feel free to contact the SBC Executive Committee Great Commission Relations and Mobilization at 615-782-8680 or email us at

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.