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Resolution On Women

WHEREAS, The Bible teaches that men and women share in the dignity of creation, both being made “in the image of God” (Genesis 1:27); and

WHEREAS, Our Lord Jesus Christ by his attitude and actions affirmed the worth and dignity of women; and

WHEREAS, The Apostle Paul set forth in Galatians 3:28 the principle of spiritual equality before God, declaring that in the grace of God “there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus”; and

WHEREAS, Southern Baptist women have been and continue to be active, vitally involved, contributing members of the churches and of this Convention.

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention assembled in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 14-16, 1983, express gratitude to God for the contributions made by Southern Baptist women in service to home, society, the missions enterprise, and the cause of Christ in general; and that we affirm those women who labor for the Lord and the churches in places of special service to which God has called them; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That for women who serve the Lord as homemakers, we affirm their special calling, honor them for their unique contributions to church and society, and support their right to financial security; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That for women who work outside the home, we urge all employers, including those Southern Baptist churches, institutions, and agencies which employ women, to seek fairness for women in compensation, benefits, and opportunities for advancement; and

Be it finally RESOLVED, That we encourage all Southern Baptists to continue to explore further opportunities of service for Baptist women, to ensure maximum utilization of all God-called servants of our Lord Jesus Christ.