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Resolution On Women

WHEREAS, Through responsibilities in the family and in multiplied avenues of service, women have made immeasurable contributions to the home, society, and the Kingdom of God, and

WHEREAS, Many women today are answering God’s call for service within the home, in the church, and in the work-a-day world, and

WHEREAS, Contemporary pressures are forcing men and women to make difficult decisions regarding priorities and responsibilities,

Therefore be it RESOLVED, That we express gratitude to God for the contribution made by women in all avenues of service, and we call on Christian women to follow the pattern of Jesus and the teaching of the Scripture in determining priorities and responsibilities, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we encourage all persons to be sensitive to the contemporary pressures facing women, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That for women who need or want to work outside the home we urge employers to seek fairness for women in compensation, advancement, and opportunities for improvement.

Be it finally RESOLVED, That this Convention, reaffirming the biblical role which stresses the equal worth but not always the sameness of function of women, does not endorse the Equal Rights Amendment.