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Resolution On Veterans Administration

WHEREAS, The United States Veterans Administration has established full-time Chaplaincy Service for the patients of the Veterans Administration Hospitals, and

WHEREAS, The two hundred and sixty-eight full-time Chaplains, now serving in these hospitals throughout the nation, are rendering a vital and indispensable spiritual service of great therapeutic value to our veterans during the trying period of their rehabilitation, by visiting the sick; serving as spiritual advisors; ministering to the sick and dying; distributing Bibles and other religious literature; and conducting religious services in accordance with the precepts and tenets of the religious groups represented in the hospitals, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Baptist Pastors Conference of Roanoke, Va., that we express our sincere appreciation for the excellent work that is being accomplished by these chaplains and commend the United States Veterans Administration for inaugurating the full-time Chaplaincy Service.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be sent to the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting at St. Louis, May 7-11, 1947, with the recommendation that it be adopted by that convention; and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to General Omar Bradley, Administrator of Veterans Affairs, Washington 25, D.C., and that a copy be given to the press.