WHEREAS, The Southern Baptist Convention continues in its mission of boldly proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to men, women, and children everywhere, and
WHEREAS, The Word of God in the language of the people is one of the most effective means of distributing the gospel message, and
WHEREAS, The American Bible Society in conjunction with the United Bible Societies continues to translate, publish, and make available the Scriptures to all persons everywhere, and
WHEREAS, The unsettled conditions around the world, the influx of refugees into the United States, and natural disasters continually create new and pressing needs for the Scriptures,
BE IT RESOLVED, That the messengers of this Convention, meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, June 10-12, 1980, urge all Convention agencies, state conventions, district associations, and churches to include the sharing of the Word of God in printed form in their mission outreach, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we encourage continual support of the work of the American Bible Society by all our churches through constant prayer and increased giving.