This Convention notes with astonishment and indignation that many acts of persecution have been directed against Baptists in Rumania, during the past year, and further notes that the clauses of the new Rumanian Constitution which profess to give religious freedom and nullified by regulations absolutely destructive of such freedom.
This Convention would express its profound sympathy with the Baptists of Rumania, and with all others suffering persecution in that land and would hereby instruct the Foreign Mission Board to approach the Secretary of State, the Honorable Chas. E. Hughes, with a request that he will transmit to the Rumanian Government our solemn protest against the policy which persecutes and differentiates between loyal citizens, on religious grounds.
Granting as does the United States absolute and impartial liberty to men of all creeds and of no creeds, including those who now represent the prevailing religion in Rumania, we make this appeal not only in the interest of Baptists, but, equally so, in the interest of all others who suffer religious disabilities in Rumania. Baptists neither ask nor desire any religious privileges for themselves which they do not equally request and desire for everybody else.