WHEREAS, There is before the Federal Communications Commission a formal petition asking that the FCC issue an administrative ruling to prohibit the assignment of any additional educational television or FM radio license to any individual or group which would air only religious or quasi-religious programs (RM2493);
WHEREAS, The right to propagate religious views is implicit in the Free Exercise and Free Speech Clauses of the First Amendment; and
WHEREAS, The present policy of the FCC upholds the rights of individuals and groups to engage in religious broadcasting;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in annual session on June 12, 1975, supports the existing policy of the Federal Communications Commission in protecting the rights of religious groups and representatives to engage in religious broadcasting and urges the Commission to continue this policy; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Convention requests the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs to continue its vigilant work in behalf of religious freedom and to communicate the Convention’s position on this subject to all public officials and others whom it may concern.