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Resolution On Prayer For The Nation

WHEREAS, Because of increasing worldwide tensions and unrest both within the continental United States and the world relative to our national welfare and security, and

WHEREAS, The Kingdom of God is above all, yet to influence all in terms of the eternal and sovereign will of God and that in terms of 1 Timothy 2:1-5 that the church is always to pray for all peoples and especially for civil authorities, and

WHEREAS, The upcoming general elections will provide keys to our future and many Americans are beginning to realize that God is the one who holds the keys, and

WHEREAS, It is recognized historically that spiritual awakening has come in similar periods as the result of unified, explicit, extraordinary prayer on the part of all God’s people and acknowledging that prayer is indeed our greatest need and most powerful resource,

Be it therefore RESOLVED, That Southern Baptist churches be encouraged to dedicate one Sunday service before each of the national conventions and general elections as a time of prayer, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That Christians everywhere covenant to pray consistently for worldwide spiritual awakening in our time, and

Be it finally RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention in its annual meeting at St. Louis, Missouri, June 10-12, 1980, request of the President of the United States to call our nation to a day of prayer and fasting and that we beseech Almighty God to look with divine favor and grace and intervention in all the affairs of our nation and the world.


WHEREAS, The Supreme Court has not held that it is illegal for any individual to pray or read his or her Bible in public schools,

Be it RESOLVED, That this Convention record its opposition to attempts, either by law or other means, to circumvent the Supreme Court’s decisions forbidding government authored or sponsored religious exercises in public schools, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we hereby affirm our belief in the right to have voluntary prayer in the public schools, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs be requested to communicate this action to Congress and the President.