WHEREAS, Our nation continues to give evidence of moral decline; and
WHEREAS, Some of our elected leaders have demonstrated a deficiency of biblical values; and
WHEREAS, The Bible instructs that Israel’s downfall was brought about when her kings and leaders turned from God; and
WHEREAS, Our nation desperately needs to turn back to God; and
WHEREAS, The Bible affirms that “Blessed is the nation which God is the Lord” (Ps. 33:12).
Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that we, the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, June 15-16, 1999, encourage all Southern Baptists to pray earnestly for our elected officials as exhorted in I Timothy 2:1-3; and
Be it finally RESOLVED, that we encourage all who claim Jesus Christ as Lord to put feet to their prayers and exercise their right and vote.