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Resolution On Pornography

WHEREAS, Pornography is a moral cancer that continues to threaten the social health of our society, and

WHEREAS, Messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention in Atlanta in 1978 spoke clearly against pornography,

Therefore be it RESOLVED, That we hereby reaffirm that resolution. The 1978 resolution as approved by the Convention:

WHEREAS, We are created in the image of God and our body is the
temple of the Holy Spirit, and

WHEREAS, The body is to be used in every way to bring glory to God,

WHEREAS, Pornography seeks to exploit the body and desecrate the mind
of both young and old, and

WHEREAS, Pornography is a tool of Satan and a growing detriment to
the moral climate of our nation and world.

Therefore be it RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention in regular session in Atlanta, Georgia, go on record as being diametrically opposed to pornography in any form, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we support and commend citizen’s group and law enforcement agencies who openly and courageously oppose pornography, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we encourage our churches to become involved in the fight against pornography.