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Resolution On New Churches And Missions

WHEREAS, Certain areas of our nation are virtually unreached with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and

WHEREAS, One of the adopted Bold Mission Thrust goals of the Southern Baptist Convention for 1979-82 is “every church establishing at least one point of witness in a new geographical or cultural area,” and

WHEREAS, Many Southern Baptist churches in newer areas of Southern Baptist work are hard pressed for personnel and finances to begin new points of witness,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That we give thanks to God for the establishment of new mission points and churches across our nation, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we reiterate that giving through the Cooperative Program is Southern Baptists’ best method of financing mission work at home and abroad, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we encourage our churches to become involved in beginning new points of witness in the immediate areas of their location, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the messengers of this Convention encourage state conventions, associations, and churches in older, established areas of the Southern Baptist Convention to consider direct involvement with churches in the newer areas of Southern Baptist work in the beginning of new churches and missions.