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Resolution On Cuban And Other Refugees

WHEREAS, The belief in human rights of all people is an important aspect of our Christian faith and our national policy, and

WHEREAS, Thousands of Cubans are fleeing the atheistic rule of communist dictator Fidel Castro and coming to America seeking freedom from oppression, and

WHEREAS, We recognize some of the problems created on area natives where the refugees settle,

Be it RESOLVED, That the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in annual session in St. Louis, Missouri, June 10-12, 1980, call upon Christian Americans to minister in a loving way to these Cuban refugees and to help them in their resettlement in “the land of the free and home of the brave.”

Be it further RESOLVED, That the agencies of the Southern Baptist Convention aid the Cuban refugees in any ways possible, and

Be it finally, RESOLVED, That we as Christians continue to seek human rights and freedom for not only these refugees, but all other refugees in our country as well as to all mankind.