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Resolution On Call To Prayer

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists are now engaged in their epochal years of Jubilee Advance, and

WHEREAS, Some three-fourths of the people of the world are still without God and without hope, and

WHEREAS, The desperate need of our day is for consecrated followers of Christ, fully dedicated in Christian commitment;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, That we call the membership of our churches to united, intercessory prayer, that we as followers of Christ may renew our vows before God and dedicate our lives and our possessions to Christ-like living in every area of our daily existence, to the end

(1) That the Holy Spirit may call forth the needed volunteers for life service from all of our more than thirty thousand churches, and

(2) That each of our churches may share in the united effort to establish 30,000 new churches and missions by 1964, and

(3) That all of our churches may give themselves over to prayerful preparation for the evangelistic campaign of 1959.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we call upon all of our Baptist agencies and committees, including the state conventions and denominational press, to begin at the earliest moment to seek to implement this call to prayer.


WHEREAS, Our brother, Billy Graham, is now engaged in a great evangelistic crusade in New York City, and

WHEREAS, A great and effectual door has opened to him, and there are many adversaries;

BE IT RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention send fraternal greetings to him, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the entire Convention in session engage in a period of prayer asking God’s continued blessing on his ministry.