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Resolution On Astronaut Prayer

With regard to the resolution on astronaut prayer,

Be it RESOLVED that we express gratitude for the inspiring example of a number of our astronauts in regard to faith, prayer, and public testimony, and for a free society that guarantees this inalienable right of individual conscience.


WHEREAS, In view of the encouraging signs of desired communication between the American people and our Chinese neighbors, as exhibited in the visit of our President to the Peoples Republic of China, it appears the Lord may be moving toward the reopening of the doors of China to Christian influence,

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention be earnestly in prayer to God for the opening of the land of China. That we also pray for the Chinese Christians and for the continuation of their witness, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we pray the Lord to make possible the peaceful exchange of ideas and freedom of travel between the peoples of our two nations to the end that Christ will be glorified and his kingdom be extended.