WHEREAS, Both the Old and New Testament affirm the duty of parents to educate their children in the knowledge of God (Deuteronomy 6:4–9; Proverbs 9:10; 22:6; Ephesians 6:1–4; 2 Timothy 3:15–17); and
WHEREAS, Southern Baptists affirm the right of parents to educate their children in public schools, in Christian schools, or through homeschooling; and
WHEREAS, Southern Baptists have a long-standing tradition of starting Christian K–12 schools through which many godly leaders have been trained and equipped; and
WHEREAS, An education centered around Christ, who alone is the “key of knowledge” (Luke 11:52), fosters recognition of the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the authority of Scripture in all matters, including God’s direct creation of all things, culminating in the creation of human beings in His own image as recorded in the book of Genesis; and
WHEREAS, Teachers, administrators, and staff in Christian schools are empowered to win students to salvation through evangelism, make disciples, and foster spiritual development; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, June 10–11, 2014, affirm Christ-centered education as a worthy pursuit to which churches and individuals dedicate themselves, often at great financial sacrifice, and encourage Southern Baptists to promote the establishment of additional Christ-centered K–12 schools and Christian homeschooling networks; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we affirm teachers, administrators, parents, and students who choose to follow God’s leadership in their lives by participating in public schools; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we encourage lawmakers to enact policies and legislation that maximize parental choice and best serve the educational needs and desires of families; and be it finally
RESOLVED, That we affirm and encourage support for all existing Christ-centered K–12 schools as they engage in Kingdom work.