WHEREAS, President Obama has promised repeatedly to repeal current law (10USC654) and to change policies that prevent normalizing the open presence of homosexuals in the armed forces; and
WHEREAS, The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has told Congress that he favors normalizing the open presence of homosexuals in the military because he thinks it is morally “the right thing to do”; and
WHEREAS, The secretary of defense has told Congress that he will carry out orders to implement normalizing the open presence of homosexuals in the armed forces and has appointed a high level working group to prepare plans for doing so should Congress repeal current law; and
WHEREAS, The House of Representatives voted recently to normalize the open practice of homosexuality in the military by authorizing the repeal of current law, and the Senate Armed Services Committee has also passed the repeal language; and
WHEREAS, The Defense Department working group tasked with preparing a plan to normalize the open presence of homosexuals in the military must accept input from various sources including advice offered by religious groups such as the Southern Baptist Convention; and
WHEREAS, Homosexual behavior cannot be normalized without rejecting God’s moral standards (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10) and is contrary to moral standards held by nearly every civilized order in human history, including most societies in the world today; and
WHEREAS, The Bible describes homosexual behavior as both a contributing cause (Genesis 18:20-21; Leviticus 18:24-28; Jude 7) and a consequence of God’s judgment on nations and individuals (Romans 1:18-32); and
WHEREAS, Findings in the law passed in 1993 remain true and relevant today including: (1) that “There is no constitutional right” for anyone “to serve in the armed forces,” (2) that “The prohibition against homosexual conduct is a longstanding element of military law that continues to be necessary in the unique circumstances of military service,” and (3) that “The presence in the armed forces of persons who demonstrate a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts would create an unacceptable risk to the high standards of morale, good order and discipline, and unit cohesion that are the essence of military capability”; and
WHEREAS, Defense Department policy remains true and relevant today that states, “the presence in the military environment of persons who engage in homosexual conduct or who, by their statements, demonstrate a propensity to engage in homosexual conduct, seriously impairs the accomplishment of the military mission”; and
WHEREAS, Attempting to normalize the open presence of homosexuals in the armed forces while fighting two wars demonstrates willingness to jeopardize national security in favor of the radical agenda advanced by the homosexual lobby, and substitutes a therapeutic ethic (one measuring everything by self-satisfaction) for the sacrificial ethic (one placing duty over personal survival) essential for sustaining national security and social survival; and
WHEREAS, Normalizing the open presence of homosexuals in the armed forces will result in pressuring Southern Baptist and other biblically faithful military chaplains to restrict or redefine the gospel message, first by censoring their teaching of the biblical definition of sin, and second by trying to change their beliefs about what is sinful and immoral by requiring them to attend “sensitivity sessions” meant to indoctrinate personnel who resist normalizing openly present homosexuals in all aspects of military life; and
WHEREAS, No government should implement standards or policies regulating the lives of military personnel based on nothing other than indulging sexual desires, however strong; and
WHEREAS, The United States historically has honored the religious moral freedom of Americans serving in the armed forces, religious moral freedom no government should deny; and
WHEREAS, It is the seasoned judgment of most military leaders that normalizing the open presence of homosexuals in the military is incompatible with generating, strengthening, and maintaining good discipline, unit cohesion, and combat readiness; and
WHEREAS, Those who would equate the normalizing of homosexuality with the right and just action of President Truman and others to undo racial segregation within the armed services in the mid-twentieth century wrongly confuse the indulgence of immoral behavior with God-given civil rights; and
WHEREAS, Military recruiting will be crippled because: (1) those segments of the American population most represented in the armed services are also those segments most likely to have moral convictions against homosexual behavior, (2) a great many of those who have served in the military since 1993 say they would not have served if required to live on intimate terms with open homosexuals, (3) should current law be repealed, a large percentage of currently serving military personnel say they will not reenlist or will end their careers early, and (4) should current law be repealed, many parents will not entrust their sons and daughters to superiors who require them to live on intimate terms with open homosexuals; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Orlando, Florida, June 15-16, 2010, affirm the Bible’s declaration that homosexual behavior is intrinsically disordered and sinful, and we also affirm the Bible’s promise of forgiveness, change, and eternal life to all sinners (including those engaged in homosexual sin) who repent of sin and trust in the saving power of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11); and be it further
RESOLVED, That we oppose changing current law to normalize the open presence of homosexuals in the armed forces, and insist on keeping the finding of Congress that sustains current law, which states that even “the presence in the armed forces” of persons demonstrating “a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts” creates “an unacceptable risk to . . . the essence of military capability”; and be it further
RESOLVED, That while we oppose normalizing the open presence of homosexuals in the military, we also deplore all acts of violence by anyone for any reason relating to this issue, whether it be violence against homosexuals, or violence by homosexuals; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we express profound pride in and support for all now serving in the United States armed forces, and especially for Southern Baptists and other biblically faithful chaplains serving as ministers of God in the armed forces; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we commend Southern Baptist efforts to engage in loving, redemptive ministry to homosexuals and encourage all Southern Baptists to consider how they might assist those struggling against same-sex attractions to find spiritual, sexual, and emotional wholeness in Christ; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we express appreciation to our servicemen and servicewomen in all branches of the military, who are serving faithfully and honorably both at home and abroad; and be it finally
RESOLVED, That we encourage all Southern Baptists to pray for the safety, well-being, morale, and readiness of our military personnel and to offer prayer, support, and appreciation for the husbands, wives, children, parents, and siblings of our fine service members serving in every capacity of our nation’s military.