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On Appreciation for Indianapolis

WHEREAS, The messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, June 11-12, 2024, have gathered in the name of Jesus Christ to cooperate, fellowship, and worship together for his honor and glory; and

WHEREAS, We have gathered to celebrate in one mind and one voice our Great Commission mandate to take the gospel to the nations by commissioning and sending missionaries to the ends of the earth; and

WHEREAS, We have enjoyed the gracious hospitality of the city of Indianapolis and are grateful for it accommodating this large group of messengers, exhibitors, and guests; and

WHEREAS, We acknowledge, celebrate, and honor the work of our local associations, state convention, local churches, and the hundreds of volunteers for making our annual gathering possible; and

WHEREAS, We commend the servant-like commitment and work of our Southern Baptist Convention president, officers, committee members, musicians, and other personnel to conduct the affairs of this meeting; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, June 11-12, 2024, express our profound gratitude to the Lord for allowing us to meet together in Christian unity and service to him and our deepest appreciation to the city of Indianapolis for hosting the 2024 Annual Meeting and Pastors’ Conference.