WHEREAS, Messengers to the 157th session of the Southern Baptist Convention have enjoyed a time of worship, encouragement, and fellowship in the Lord Jesus Christ; and
WHEREAS, We acknowledge God’s providence in all these blessings; and
WHEREAS, We also acknowledge the kind hospitality of the people of Baltimore, Maryland; and
WHEREAS, We further acknowledge our local Southern Baptist churches, associations, state Baptist conventions, SBC committees, and volunteers of the Baltimore area who have worked so diligently to make our stay a pleasant one; and
WHEREAS, We especially acknowledge the Lord’s grace in enabling our president, officers, various committees, musicians, and other platform personnel to conduct the affairs of this Convention with dignity and a Christ-like spirit; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, June 10–11, 2014, express our profound gratitude to the Lord and to all those He has used to bring about an annual meeting characterized by grace, evangelism, worship, encouragement, cooperation, and purpose.