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Skip & Kim Meyer*

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IMB workers, Skip and Kim Meyer*, moved to South Asia with the desire to plant their lives in an area with a great need for the Gospel. Their lives on the mission field started, however, in South America where they grew up as friends—each the child of missionaries. After they married, they knew continued service in international missions was their calling.

God is using Skip and Kim’s knowledge of the Spanish language and Latino culture to train and mobilize Hispanics and Latinos to serve in South Asia. Skip says he considers it a great privilege to mobilize and train Hispanics and Latinos to equip them to be faithful and effective long-term missionaries.

THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM (CP) is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support of both CP and THE LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING helps missionaries share the Gospel around the world and equip other believers to do the same.

PRAY for the Meyers as they serve areas in great need of the Gospel as well as for Hispanics and Latinos serving in hard-to-reach regions of South Asia.

*Names changed for security