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Silvanus & Aleno Bhandari

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Do you know where Nepal is?

That’s a small country between China and India. Today we’re going
to pray for one of our missionaries who is from Nepal. He is Silvanus

Silvanus grew up in Nepal and was a Hindu. But in 1992, when he
was still a teenager, he became a follower of Jesus and felt called to
share the gospel. Life can be hard for Christians in Nepal. Silvanus
felt led to plant a new church in America, so he came here.

Now he is planting that church in New York City. Our church is helping
support him as one of our North American missionaries – through
our Cooperative Program giving.

Silvanus called his new church Global Mission Church because he
wants people from around the globe to hear the gospel. New believers
are quickly taught how to tell others about their faith in Jesus Christ.

Today let’s pray for Silvanus and his wife, Aleno as they visit and
talk with people from many lands. Let’s pray that many of those
immigrants will hear the gospel and become Christians.