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Samuel Ravelo

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When he was 24 years old, Sammy Ravelo joined the Navy. Two years later, he began serving as a chaplain’s assistant. He loved the work and eventually realized that chaplaincy was the ministry for which God had been preparing him his whole life.

Sammy spends most of his day with the sailors he serves. He even deploys with them for months at a time. This allows him numerous opportunities to minister, especially on a difficult day like when a servicemember is depressed, or their marriages are near collapse.

When not deployed, Sammy leads retreats for military couples twice a month. These retreats give couples a much-needed opportunity to spend time away and work on their marriages.

The Cooperative Program takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program trains missionaries and chaplains in how to reach their ministry areas with the love and message of Christ.

Pray that God will continue to use Sammy to bring healing to sailors and their spouses.