Westerville, Ohio is home to many successful, but spiritually blind people. And while the area is growing, Gospel-centered churches are few and far between. Robert and Danielle Kane sensed God’s call to meet that need and so they started Citizens Church.
Robert encourages the church to live with “eyes wide open,” able to recognize the unique opportunities God has placed before each of them to be faithful, Gospel witnesses.
One of the ways the church has done this corporately is by hosting a neighborhood picnic at a local park. They provided free hot dogs, snacks, and drinks. They also played yard games and invited anyone to take part and enjoy the day with them. Through the event, they built relationships with people in the neighborhood.
The Cooperative Program takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program gives missionaries the help and resources they need to reach their communities and make disciples.
Pray that Robert and his team at Citizens Church will have the wisdom they need as they attempt to be faithful in their ministry context.