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Rob & Lisa Warren

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Today we are going to pray for Rob and Lisa Warren who serve in
Madison, Wisconsin.

They have a challenging mission field – more than 40,000 college
students. Most of these are attending the huge University of Wisconsin.
Few of these students have committed their lives to Christ.

Rob and Lisa moved to Madison in the fall of 2018 and they planted
Doxa Church. The primary mission is to reach the students of Madison
with the gospel.

They find that students are open to discussing spiritual issues. When
those students accept Christ as Savior, it is a life-changing event for them.

Most of the students they reach with the gospel will not stay in Madison,
but will move to other parts of the country, especially in the Midwest.

That’s why Rob and Lisa are prepping the students to help plant new
churches in communities which too often do not have even one.

Our church supports Rob and Lisa through our Cooperative Program
giving, so we sort of have an indirect part in every student who comes
to faith in Christ.

Let’s pray now for our missionaries and ask the Lord to bless their
ministry and give them great results.