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Rick & Kelly Martínez

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Traumatic experiences are part of the context for many ministry leaders who work with people affected by some type of tragedy. Rick and Kelly Martínez, missionaries in Mexico City, have prayed and asked God for an effective way to minister in their area to those suffering trauma. It was at this time that the idea arose of implementing a ministry called New Hope.

New Hope’s goal is to bring healing to those who have gone through some type of traumatic experience. The ministry aims to address this trauma by studying God’s Word in groups of four to six who meet weekly for a total of seven sessions.

Today, the Martínezes are hearing testimony after testimony of how God is using New Hope to bring healing and salvation to many, as well as to start new churches and deepen discipleship.

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Pray for the Martínezes continued ministry in Mexico City and that the New Hope curriculum will reach more people with the hope of Jesus.