In 2019, Ricardo and Meyna Barber were sent by their home church, First Rock Fellowship in Aubrey, Texas, to plant One Hope Fellowship in Portland, Oregon.
Although they were forced to meet virtually during 2020, One Hope Fellowship stayed active in ministry. They hosted a food bank and an after-school tutoring program, as well as partnered with another organization to develop a free medical clinic. They also provided rental assistance and financial training to nearby residents.
These opportunities to meet physical and financial needs in their community opened doors for One Hope to share Christ with their neighbors. As they helped people, many asked why they did what they did. Some people they helped are now coming to the church.
THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program helps missionaries meet physical and spiritual needs of their communities as they share the hope of the Gospel.
PRAY for One Hope Fellowship and the Barbers as they continue to show and tell the love of Jesus to their community.