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Ralph & Lovie Adair*

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For nearly 20 years, there has been a struggle to maintain a Gospel presence among unreached Muslim people in South Asia. Time and time again, efforts are thwarted. Ralph Adair*, a worker in the region, said spiritual warfare is the main culprit. However, Adair sees a pivotal point in their ministry with more believers coming alongside them to make a Gospel impact.

Saalim* is a national partner who has risen to the challenge of reaching his people. He chose to leave Islam 10 years ago, but was afraid to share about his faith in God for fear of repercussions from his community. However, through discipleship and encouragement, Saalim made the commitment to be intentional in sharing his faith in his community.

THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program strengthens global workers as they strengthen local believers to boldly share the Gospel in the places they live and work.

PRAY that local Christians in South Asia will be obedient to what the Lord calls every believer to do—share the message of salvation.

*Names changed for security

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