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Price & Arrica Wright

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The middle of the United States is often overlooked as “flyover country.” Yet, there has been a lot of growth in and around cities like Kansas City.

Only 20.1 percent of the residents in the Kansas City metro area identify as evangelical, which is less than half the percentage in many Southern states.

Price and Arrica Wright have been engaging their community and launching a new church to meet the spiritual need in Kansas City. They have been serving their neighbors through compassion ministry as well, which has been drawing people in to hear and respond to the Gospel.

THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program helps to provide for missionaries like the Wrights as spiritual needs in and around the cities in North America become greater and greater.

PRAY that Price and Arrica’s ministry will continue to be fruitful and that God will encourage Price, his family, and his church as they share the hope of the Gospel in Kansas City.