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Patrick & Jennifer Grant

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Researchers estimate that more than 85 percent of those in Portland, Oregon are lost. The city has only one Southern Baptist church for every 26,222 people. One of those churches is Woodstock Community Church which was planted by Patrick and Jennifer Grant.

One of the ways the church ministers to the Portland community is through a ministry called Laundry Love. For two days every month, the church offers to do two loads of laundry for people. The church also reaches out to children by offering a kids camp in the park, a soccer camp, and a Back to School Bash, where they provide backpacks full of school supplies to children and teachers in the neighborhood.

Through these outreaches, the church has been able to build relationships and have numerous Gospel conversations.

The Cooperative Program (CP) takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program helps missionaries reach their communities with the Gospel in tangible ways.

Pray that God will use these outreach efforts to help the Grants and Woodstock Community Church to build Gospel-centered relationships within the community.