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Noelson & Edna Chery

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Noelson and Edna Chery planted First Haitian Metanoia Baptist Church, a unique ministry that trains youth in ministry routinely. Every Saturday, rain or shine, the Chery family transforms a rented karate studio into their church. 

Nelson works remotely as a university academic coordinator and adjunct professor of French and Spanish. Despite his busy schedule, Nelson wanted to start a church where Haitian families could worship in a language their children understand. The Haitian churches in the area worshiped in Haitian Creole, causing frustration for the youth who lived in an English-speaking world.

The church integrates young people into every aspect of its work. The young sing, lead, and even learn how to preach. The Cherys believe that young people are not just the church of tomorrow, but the church of today.

When we give through the Cooperative Program, we’re helping missionaries like the Cherys prepare the next generation of Haitian Christians for ministry.

Let’s pray for the family’s continued strength and energy as they balance their demanding schedules and nurture the growth of their congregation.