Maurice felt God’s call to plant a church after serving alongside local pastors in Chicagoland for 25 years. God used scriptures like Acts 1:8, Galatians 1:15-16, and Matthew 9:35-38 to lead him to start Empowerment Community Church of Chicago.
The church serves in one of the city’s toughest neighborhoods, where crime is high, food deserts are common, and the people are desperate for the message and saving grace of Jesus Christ. Maurice knows the neighborhood well because it’s where he grew up.
Through Maurice’s ministry, God has brought about transformation in the community. Men who have struggled with drug addiction are finding new direction, marriages on the verge of collapse are being repaired, and lives damaged by negative influences are being remade into committed disciples of Jesus Christ.
Once a month, the church holds a “We See You Campaign,” where they knock on doors throughout the community, feed people, and provide a gospel witness. Maurice also regularly encourages church members to share the gospel with friends and family and invite them to church.
Our church supports ministries like the Gaiters’ when we give through the Cooperative Program.
Pray for the Gaiter family as they serve Jesus on the frontlines of ministry in Chicago.