The city of Burbank is only about 17 square miles, but its influence is
That’s because the major studios that make many of the movies and TV
shows seen around the world are produced in Burbank. It’s generally
part of Greater Los Angeles.
We focus our prayer time on Burbank today. Because two of our
missionaries – Matt and Laura Lawson – have planted a new church
right in the middle of Burbank.
In fact, the church meets in the Colony Theater on North Third Street.
They call their church Story City Church because some big stories are
told from Burbank.
But Matt and Laura want to share the TRULY biggest story, the one
about the coming of Jesus Christ into the world. If they can share the
gospel with the people who so influence the world’s thinking, imagine
what could happen.
They have been able to minister to couples having marriage troubles
and sometimes have been able to prevent divorces. They also minister
to the community by offering free haircuts, health screenings and an
annual Easter egg hunt.
Our church is supporting Matt and Laura through our Cooperative
Program giving. We want to pray for them now.