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Mason & Abby Shearer*

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Mason and Abby Shearer* are IMB workers in South Asia. Mason met Dasya when he was sharing the Gospel in Dasya’s neighborhood.

Dasya was at the end of his rope. He had no means of provision and no prospects for work. A friend suggested that he pray to Jesus for help. Dasya did, and God answered by providing money and a place to live. Shearer said it was this answer to prayer that led Dasya to leave Hinduism and put his trust in Jesus.
Dasya told Shearer he committed his life to Christ, but needed someone to teach him how to read the Bible and grow in his faith. Shearer and others began meeting with and discipling him.

THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program makes it possible for missionaries like the Shearers to witness to unbelievers and then disciple them upon their salvation.

PRAY for the Shearers as they share the Gospel with unbelievers and as they disciple new believers in the faith. Pray also for Dasya and his spiritual growth.

* names changed for security