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Liam & Nicole Remington*

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Ten years ago, IMB worker and trained linguist Liam Remington* met a young man named L.T.* Liam was hoping to conduct language surveys in the area and L.T. happened to be from the people group Liam was hoping to meet.

Over the years, Liam consistently traveled to L.T.’s town to visit, work on a translation of the Bible, and share the Gospel, especially with L.T.

Recently, L.T. helped the Remingtons pack for a season in the US. L.T. told Liam that he would pray to Jesus for their safe travel. Liam realized that this was L.T.’s way of telling him that he was a believer.

THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program provides missionaries like the Remingtons with the tools and support they need to share the Gospel with people, including those who have never even heard it in their native language.

PRAY for the continued witness of Liam and his wife, Nicole, as they serve in East Asia, as well as for L.T. to be bold in sharing the Gospel using the language materials developed for his people.

*names changed for security