Originally from Alabama, Joseph and Kristen moved to the greater Las Vegas Valley area to plant Favor City Church in 2020.
The Gibbons’ journey began when they led a youth weekend in Las Vegas in 2019 and discovered the city’s alarming rates of teenage homelessness. The issue became personal on that trip when they met a 13-year-old girl who didn’t know where she’d be from night to night. Meeting her confirmed to the Gibbons that the area needed gospel-preaching churches.
The Gibbons family started Favor City Church in October 2021, and it grew as people found a sense of belonging and community. In just two years, the church grew to 150 in attendance, and they baptized 30 people. They even trained a church planter apprentice who will soon start another church in a nearby community.
When we give to the Cooperative Program, we have helped the Gibbons family and Favor City Church share the good news about Jesus in one of North America’s least churched cities.
Let’s pray that the church continues to make disciples who make disciples.