Missionaries Jess and Wendy Jennings have committed their lives to bringing the Gospel to the Philippines – a country made up of over 2,000 inhabited islands where many have not yet heard the Gospel. The Jennings focus on student mobilization through a program called Nehemiah Teams and coordinate the work of training and sending out both American and Filipino students each year. Since 2004, almost 2,400 Americans and 1,200 Filipinos have participated in Nehemiah Teams.
Although students are in the country for a short amount of time, their impact makes a long-term difference. With teams reaching even just one person with the Gospel and that person coming to faith, many more Filipinos have the potential to be reached through the witness of that one.
THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM and THE LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING take the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through these endeavors gives missionaries what they need to strengthen others to make disciples of Jesus.
PRAY for the Jennings as they continue to mobilize students in the Philippines and that God would continue to call students to the islands as part of the Nehemiah Team so that more Filipinos can be reached with the Gospel.
For more about this story, visit: https://www.imb.org/pray/week-of-prayer/day-3