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Jay & Tiffany Stovall

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Jay sensed a strong call to church planting during his college years. At Vantage Point Church in Eastvale, California, Jay’s heart for the nations and the local church grew. Amidst the challenging year of 2020, God revealed a burden for holistic discipleship, leading the Stovalls to plant a church to help facilitate that.

Their church plant, Portrait Church, serves a diverse community in Los Angeles, marked by a freeway that separates an affluent area from a predominantly minority, lower socioeconomic neighborhood. 

A young student named Avery is an example of how God is using the church to bring hope to their community. She came to faith in Christ during one of the church’s worship services. As she grew in her Christian faith, Avery left her sorority because it no longer fit her values. Now she has a strong desire to grow and share her faith with her family and friends.

As we give regularly to the Cooperative Program, we help missionaries like the Stovalls share Christ in one of the most influential cities in North America.

Let’s pray for Jay and Tiffany’s children, who have experienced some recent health struggles.