While looking into a northern African valley filled with flickering village fires, IMB missionary Jay Janill shared with his national partner, Timothy, that each fire likely represented people who had never heard the gospel. They read Psalm 19, reflecting on how the heavens declare God’s glory, yet those gathered around the fires knew little of His love through Christ. Inspired, Timothy shared the gospel with a group of new friends, including Abel, who had previously received the message. Abel, who worked as a park guide for Jay and his wife, Ella, listened to Scripture on an SD card they gave him. After multiple trips together, Abel confessed his faith and began sharing with others. The Janills recognize that many in their region have heard of Christianity but do not truly know Jesus. As they minister in a volatile region, they seek to reach the unreached.
Every year, Southern Baptists join together for the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering emphasis. As we celebrate missions during this season of joy, will you join your heart with others to give and pray for missionaries around the world who are faithfully sharing the gospel? Join The Great Pursuit at LottieMoon.com.
Lord, protect believers in Northern Africa and guide the Janills as they share the gospel in a challenging region.