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Jared & Jennifer Huntley

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Jared and Jennifer Huntley had a heart for military personnel long before they launched Pillar Church of Washington, D.C. Jared served in the Army and knows firsthand how difficult it can be to navigate the unique challenges of the military culture—especially without Christ.

Now as church planters in D.C., the couple is discipling and equipping military personnel and their families to follow Christ, share the Gospel, and be missionaries if they are moved to other bases or deployed. Jared says it’s a “great way to accomplish the Great Commission.”

THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering gives missionaries the resources they need to strategically minister to and disciple others in what it means to know and follow Jesus.

PRAY for Jared and Jennifer to have favor on military bases and in their community, as well as for God to open hearts among military personnel and to grow them in their faith so that they can go as missionaries to their future assignments.

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