Today in our prayer time we want to think about two of our missionaries
in Africa. James and Marci Langston serve in the nation of Zambia. Our
church provides for their support through our Cooperative Program giving.
The Langstons have set up a Rural Bible School that is sort of a weeklong
seminary. Over a week, they teach Zambian believers how to share
the gospel and how to preach a simple sermon. Students also learn basic
Christian beliefs.
Most Zambians believe spirits who want to hurt them are everywhere.
Christ removes those fears – new believers know true freedom for the
first time.
In one class a man named Mr. Shadreck came from a distant village.
He had recently become a follower of Christ and wanted to learn more
about his new faith. During a session on baptism, Mr. Shadreck realized
he needed to be baptized. He was baptized in a river that day.
So many people need to hear the gospel in Zambia that there is no time
for a few pastors to study for years.The Langstons want to turn new
believers into witnessing believers right now.
Let’s pray now for James and Marci and their teaching ministry.