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Jack & Prinna Wattanawongsawang*

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Prayerwalking has been a major part of Jack and Prinna Wattanawongsawangs’ ministry in Fukuoka, Japan. They pray for God to lead them to the people He’s prepared for them to meet, to direct them to the places He’s prepared for them to go, and to open doors for them to share the Gospel with entire families and for all to put their faith in Christ.

Last year, the couple celebrated God’s answer to four years of prayer as they watched Hatsuko* and her granddaughter Momoka* publicly profess their faith in Christ through baptism. The new believers were far from alone, they were following in the steps of the rest of their family who had all put their faith in Christ over the last several years.

THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program makes it possible for the Gospel of Jesus to change the hearts and lives of people all around the world through the work and prayers of missionaries like the Wattanawongsawangs.

PRAY for Jack and Prinna’s ministry and that God would continue to grow the church in Japan.

*names changed for security

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