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Haylee Belcher

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At 16 years old, Haylee Belcher felt called to serve overseas. Six years later, God sent Haylee to work in the Amazon. In college at Oklahoma Baptist University, Haylee went on several short-term mission trips to Northern Brazil and sensed the Lord leading her to serve there.

During her time in Brazil, Haylee has seen God at work. Ana, a national friend, began to attend a Bible study hosted by neighbors. The more Ana attended the Bible study, the more she asked hard, challenging questions about God and the Bible. Through a Bible study focused on Creation to Christ, detailing Bible stories from creation to the Gospels, Ana heard different stories from the Bible about who Christ is and how He came to save. She committed her life to Christ and Haylee and another missionary discipled her.

THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program provides training and resources for missionaries like Haylee as they share about Christ with the lost.

PRAY for Ana to grow in her faith, as well as for more opportunities for Haylee to share the Gospel.