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Gerald & Symara Waters

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Philadelphia is the second largest city on the East Coast, but there is only one Southern Baptist church for every 31,114 people and only 6.2 percent of the population identify as evangelical.

In order to reach even more in the city, Ezekiel Baptist Church of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, sent out Gerald and Symara Waters to plant Proclamation Community Church in one of the most culturally, religiously, and ethnically diverse communities in Philadelphia.

Through the Waters’ efforts, they’ve had opportunities to connect with people from a number of different nations around the world—all within their city! The Waters’ outreach has led them to become a part of the community and several people they’ve met have visited their church.

THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program gives missionaries the resources they need to reach those in their community with a Gospel witness and message.

PRAY for the Lord to raise up more laborers in Proclamation Community Church so that they, along with the Waters, can reach more people for Christ.