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David & Shannon Brown

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After Russia invaded Ukraine in the spring of 2022, a woman named Olga, along with her family, fled and were welcomed at the bordering country of Moldova by Christians from a Baptist church there. The church welcomed this family and other refugees with open arms, providing for both physical and spiritual needs.

Missionaries David and Shannon Brown partner with this church and the Moldovan Baptist Union in ministering to Ukrainian refugees by recruiting volunteer medical teams to meet the needs of refugees housed throughout Moldova.

Olga called her husband to tell him how well the Baptists cared for them. She was astonished by his response as he had previously forbidden his family from going to church. “Praise the Lord! That’s God’s grace. God is good and protected you,” he said.

THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM and THE LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING take the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through these endeavors is allowing Gospel work to impact the displaced and disheartened all around the world.

PRAY for Baptists, including the Browns, in Moldova who are ministering to Ukrainian refugees and for God’s healing among those affected by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

For more about this story, visit: