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Danilo & Catherine Miranda

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Danilo Miranda, an IMB missionary from Brazil, rushed through the Rio de Janeiro airport on his way to a Global Senders Forum. His ministry focuses on mobilizing the Brazilian church to fulfill the Revelation 7:9 vision of reaching the nations. At the airport, Danilo had an unexpected encounter with a newly commissioned Brazilian missionary headed to Africa—someone whom Danilo had mentored. At the forum, he connected with leaders from Africa, sharing stories of how God orchestrates meaningful partnerships across continents. Alongside his wife, Catherine, who also grew up in a missionary family, Danilo emphasizes the importance of cross-cultural teams working together to spread the gospel. Having been discipled himself as a teenager, Danilo now trains Brazilian churches to become healthy senders, helping them prepare others for global missions. His passion is to connect people from all nations to fulfill the Great Commission.

Every year, Southern Baptists join together for the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering emphasis. As we celebrate missions during this season of joy, will you join your heart with others to give and pray for missionaries around the world who are faithfully sharing the gospel? Join The Great Pursuit at LottieMoon.com.

Lord, guide the Mirandas as they equip global missionary partners and help local churches grow into healthy sending communities.