Today in our prayer time we will pray for Daniel and Kayla Atondo
who have started a church in San Jose, California.
You may not have heard of San Jose, but you’ve probably heard of
Netflix and eBay and many other of the tech companies that are
based in the area. This is in Silicon Valley, south of San Francisco.
Daniel and Kayla have planted Eden Church there because they want
the name of Jesus to be as famous as some of those tech firms are.
Our church supports these missionaries through our Cooperative
Program giving.
The church meets Sundays in a school. To introduce Eden Church
to the city, they began by ministering to the school’s needs, such as
clean-up projects or helping needy students.
They emphasize teaching the Bible and advertise their classes
in many ways. One woman heard about their Alpha course that
presents the Bible’s teaching on the Christian faith. The woman
took the course, became a follower of Jesus and was later baptized.
Let’s pray now for Daniel and Kayla and ask the Lord to show them
how to share Jesus with many people in this tech-focused city.