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Courtney Mobbs

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International Mission Board summer missionary, Courtney Mobbs, served in Colombia at a refugee center. She was discouraged at the start of her time there, however, because few refugees would engage. Courtney struggled with her purpose for even being there.

One day Courtney was to teach a women’s group, but when it came time to start, no one showed up. She was devastated and poured her heart out to God, asking Him to bring souls to hear His Word. Not even 10 minutes later, women started pouring in.

At the end of the summer, when Courtney said goodbye to the refugee women, one of the women wept, explaining that the center was the one place she felt loved and could hold onto the Truth that God was with her through every circumstance. In that moment, God showed Courtney what her purpose was that summer. And that was enough.

The Cooperative Program takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program allows missionaries to fulfill the Great Commission call God has placed on their lives.

Pray for Courtney as she follows God’s call for her life and for all IMB summer missionaries ministering around the world.