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Cordy & Elise Lowe*

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Most people in this South Asian village were afraid to seek medical attention. The closest hospital is 15 miles away, making it difficult to get proper care. 

Now, thanks to a South Asian doctor people call “Lucky,” villagers have access to medical and soul care.  

While studying to be a doctor, Lucky heard the gospel from International Mission Board missionaries Cordy and Elise Lowe and decided to commit his life to Christ. Cordy and Lucky regularly go into communities to talk about their faith. 

Because of their friendship with Lucky, the Lowes have been able to share the gospel in areas they otherwise would not have had access to. 

The Lowes and Lucky have hosted medical clinics in the neighboring villages. They get phone numbers and follow-up with patients. Since Cordy is a Westerner, people are curious and interested in what he has to say, providing a perfect opportunity to introduce Jesus. 

*Some names may be changed for security.

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Pray that God would open hearts and minds of hurting people to the message of Jesus.