For more than 17 years, Charlie and Shannon Worthy have invested their lives in Italy as IMB missionaries. Italians are warm, loving, and open people; however, many are ambivalent and don’t know they need a Savior.
As church planters, the Worthys’ work bridges the worlds of local pastors and U.S. churches to make strategic connections that bring the Gospel to areas of Italy with little to no evangelical witness. Whether leading a group of students, Baptist state convention executives, or from a church, the Worthys strategically place these partnering groups in areas of Italy where the church does not exist, thereby engaging with the locals and creating relationships that impact the kingdom for eternity.
THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM (CP) is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support of both CP and THE LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING provides for the practical needs of missionaries like the Worthys while serving on the field such as a house, a car, and healthcare.
PRAY that many Italians will come to faith in Christ as a result of the Worthys’ witness and that new Italian believers will gather to reach the people of Italy with the Gospel.