Two thousand years ago, Jesus met a woman at a well in Samaria, offering her the good news of His love and grace. Today, in a South Asian village, a woman, unable to read or write, shared that same message with six other women at the well using an Ek Rasta SD card, meaning “The Way.”
IMB missionaries Brooks and Julia West use Ek Rasta SD cards to share the gospel and help believers grow, especially in regions where nearly 50% of the population is illiterate. These SD cards contain audio lessons in the local language, guiding listeners through the Bible from creation to the new creation in Revelation.
The Wests aim to equip the local church to distribute these cards. One group reported sharing with over 170 people in just four weeks. “It’s special when a believer who cannot read or write realizes God can still work powerfully through them,” Brooks said.
*Names changed for security.
When our church gives through the Cooperative Program (CP), we help families like the Wests answer the call to go and make disciples to the uttermost parts of the earth.
Pray for the Wests and other Southern Baptist missionaries who are taking the gospel to sensitive and sometimes dangerous places in the world.