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Michael and Traci Byrd

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Both Michael and Traci Byrd grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, but they never thought they would return to their old neighborhood for ministry.

The neighborhood where the Byrds planted Faith Community Bible Church is impoverished and has a high crime rate. Many people in the neighborhood feel abandoned and uncared for. The church aims to make Jesus known by caring for the forgotten.

One of those ways is through a care-based strategy that centers on meeting the community’s needs. For example, to meet the food need, the church started a food pantry. However, they soon realized cooking lessons were a more valuable resource. And so began gatherings where simple cooking lessons were taught, thereby developing and deepening relationships.

The Cooperative Program takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program helps missionaries share and show the love of Jesus in many practical ways.

Pray that God will help the Byrds care for the needs of their community and share the good news about Jesus.